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Breaking News:
Torino, Italy
Monday, Feb 10, 2025
Another Minority Religion Under Threat in Russia: Who Is Afraid of Sri Prakash? The situation of religious minorities in Russia has been a cause of serious concerns for several years. While Russia hosts high-level academic institutes and tolerant intellectuals, it is also home to radicals who believe that the Russian Orthodox tradition should be…
Read MoreForced Conversion in South Korea Should Be Put to an End: An Open Letter to President Moon Jae-in 한국의 강제 개종을 근절해야 합니다 : 문재인 대통령에게 보내는 공개서한 Dear President Moon: 문재인 대통령님 We represent international NGOs and scholarly organizations specialized in researching religious pluralism and new religious movements throughout the world, and…
Read MoreAsylum Seekers From the Church of Almighty God in Japan Limitations of Religious Freedom
Read MoreORLIR International Observatory of Religious Liberty of Refugees Statement by Ms. Rosita Šoryte, President There are issues that these days are very toxic, and nobody would like to talk about: refugees and China. And my very young and still very small organization – ORLIR – is dealing with both. We…
Read MoreHuman Rights Without Frontiers Int’l Avenue d’Auderghem 61/16, 1040 Brussels Phone/Fax: 32 2 3456145 Email: – Website: Combating Discrimination Against The Church of Almighty God in the OSCE Space For centuries, the United States and Canada have provided asylum to people from other countries fleeing from religious persecution, intolerance and discrimination. In…
Read MoreCESNUR – Center for Studies on New Religions Via Confienza 19 10121 Torino, Italy Publisher of the daily magazine on human rights and religious liberty in China Bitter Winter: On February 1, 2018, a new Religious Affairs Regulation came into force in China. The consensus of legal experts is that it…
Read MoreHeavily persecuted in China, with many documented cases of torture and extra-judicial killings, hundreds of members of The Church of Almighty God have escaped to South Korea, where they are seeking refugee status. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is pursuing them also in Korea. It has coerced or persuaded with threats their relatives to go…
Read MoreDear Chancellor Merkel: We are NGOs active in the field of religious liberty, and write about the urgent situation of a Chinese refugee, Ms. Zhao, currently detained at the Aufsichts und Dienstleistungsdirektion Landeseinrichtung für Asylbegehrende und Ausreisepflichtige in Ingelheim, after she resisted forcible deportation to China on July 9. We urge you to consider that,…
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